Internet Riches:
The Revolutionary Startup Book that Started it All...
What are people saying about Scott Fox's Internet Riches book?
#1 Best-seller on's E-commerce list!
#1 Best-seller on's Hi-Tech Careers list!
#1 Best-seller on's E-commerce list in the United Kingdom, too!
Internet Riches has inspired thousands of entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even celebrities worldwide. It can help you find your way to success online, too.
Here are just a few samples of the hundreds of testimonials and 5 star reviews of this ground-breaking book:
"Internet Riches is a must read for anyone thinking to start, or wanting to start, an e-business. Before you spend one dime on anything, spend $22.00 on this book. The best investment you will make in your e-business."
- Henri W, Flint, MI
"This is a great book! It's very inspiring and very informative. At 11 pm, after reading a few chapters and taking some good notes, I was ready to get busy. This book shows the reader how to get an internet venture up and running - quickly, easily and on less money than most people spend on coffee in a week."
- D.C. Brandon, VT"As an MBA, I appreciated the organized, logical approach to the topic and excellent suggestions and guidance for proceeding. Instead of the "positive thinking will make you rich" of many authors, this author is knowledgeable of the topic and able to communicate clearly and effectively to provide solid advice."
- Pamela R., Winston-Salem, NC
Scott with David Bach, New York Times best-selling author of The Automatic Millionaire and Start Late, Finish Rich
Best-selling Authors praise the book
"Scott Fox's book, Internet Riches, is a fantastic roadmap for the novice to the experienced Internet business person who wants to finish rich online. I learned a great deal from reading it and think you will, too."
- David Bach, New York Times best-selling author of The Automatic Millionaire and Start Late, Finish Rich
Internet Riches is the first book to offer practical, step-by-step advice that anyone can use to start a worldwide web site business even with zero technical training!
The book walks you through all the steps you'll need to take to analyze your own interests and skills to develop your own unique online business, then it explains exactly which services to use to get your e-business web site up and running quickly and cheaply.
"The book is easy to follow, gives great examples of real e-businesses, and has great web site resource addresses."
- Sal D, Arlington Heights, IL
"I am extremely impressed as to how honest Scott Fox is in writing this book. It doesn't hide any information as to how you can get own web site up and running in 1 hour and it doesn't ask for any more money."
- Paula D., Stockton, CA
"Book was excellent in that it was easy to follow, well presented and easy to understand. Very well written, too many authors emphasize on sounding like they are very proud of their doctors or bachelors degree and forget sometimes when they write, they speak in laymen's terms or a language rich in vocabulary that half the time is spent on checking the meaning of words. Scott is an excellent writer, I would definitely read his books in the future but depends on the subject."
- Marilou D., Stuttgart, Germany
Scott Fox backstage with former client Bill O'Reilly
Celebrities think you should read Internet Riches, too:
"Want to do more than surf the net? Scott Fox helped set up and make it into a profit center.
His book, Internet Riches, is a must-read for entrepreneurs."
- Bill O'Reilly, Anchor, Fox News Channel
Internet Riches in the Media
The book has been favorably covered by media outlets worldwide, including MSNBC, The Boston Globe, Business Week Online, Philadelphia Inquirer, Smart Money magazine, and Toronto's Globe & Mail.
The Orange County Register said:
"Internet Riches gives specifics for capitalizing on efficiency, finding suppliers and identifying profitable niches. The detail is helpful, even for people who are already into e-commerce. For example, Fox discusses e-mail provider selection checklist, affiliate programs, application service providers and Internet research skills.
Its strength is the information from people who have succeeded with e-commerce, such as the founders of, which streamlines communication between parents and their babysitters, and, which sells knitting and crochet patterns."
Joseph Lassiter, Harvard Business School, Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance, Chairman of the Harvard Innovation Lab
A Professor from Harvard Business School endorses Internet Riches, too.
"Scott Fox wants everyone to think about how the Internet can impact their business ideas.
While making money is never a simple formula, Fox's Internet Riches makes its contribution by detailing what entrepreneurs have done to find success online."
- Joe Lassiter, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Harvard Business School
Special Reader Bonuses
Special Reader Bonuses are here for purchasers! If you've read Click Millionaires (or any of Scott's other books), you can get free Special Reports, discounts, and more.
People worldwide are buying Internet Riches and learning how to change their lives for the better. Get your share of the Internet's e-business revolution today!
"I have not even gone to the site yet to access all the benefits outlined in the book, yet I can honestly say Internet Riches is worth more than the hardcover price I paid! It's like having a mentor at my office desk. Besides generating my excitement and energy to jump start my plans, he also got me journaling and writing down MY plans.
"I've always agreed "when the student is ready, the (right) teacher shows up" -- So, if you're thinking about possibly, maybe, not sure, but almost getting ready to perhaps get started on the internet, Scott Fox is definitely the right teacher at the right time to kick you into confident action!!! Thank you, Scott!!"
- Malcolm D, Fort Collins, CO
These people, and thousands more worldwide, are using Internet Riches as their guidebook for improving their lives by starting their own e-businesses.
Plus, Scott Fox donates profits from the book's sales to CHARITY!
Scott Fox's INTERNET RICHES: THE SIMPLE MONEY-MAKING SECRETS OF ONLINE MILLIONAIRES (0814473563 $22.00) provides all the basics needed to understand options in starting an Internet business. Here are tried, tested strategies he and other entrepreneurs have used to build their tiny ventures into million-dollar enterprises. Unlike most guides, the focus isn't on Ebay or a personal website alone, but a blend of business plan and a range of internet strategies which not only sell products, but services. With its emphasis on low-cost, low-budget efforts and small-budget marketing, INTERNET RICHES is a top pick indeed, surpassing the competition in scope and coverage.
- Midwest Book Review
"I bought Scott's book and 2 other more technical ecommerce ones all the same day, read Scott's first and knew from the first page I would soon be a web entrepreneur. Thanks, Scott."
- Judith J., Boise, ID
"Mr Fox has a unique way of connecting with his readers, as though they know him personally, creating trust and inspiration. His book is straightforward and full of information that even a British grandmother can follow, without all the padding that often fills self-help books. Every time I turn the page I find many ideas on how best to create my perfect e-business."
- Brenda C., Blackpool, Lancs, U.K.
"This book was written for anyone who has the desire to learn and achieve in the e-business. Simply - DONE RIGHT!!! It was written in a format that anyone can understand.. TWO THUMBS UP!!!"
- Leroy L., Las Vegas, NV
"I have attended several seminars and purchased some rather expensive manuals on how to start a business on the internet. And they have all been helpful in my understanding of the internet business world. But the Internet Riches book put it all together so eloquently that I am now ready to jump into the internet business. Keep up the good work and keep them coming!"
- Kofi N.
"For the first time, I feel as if the secrets of developing a website are mine--and that I can make money at it. Thank you!"
- Charlotte D., Portland, OR
(Then you can grab your Special Reader Bonuses here, too!)