How to Work with Scott Fox
Thanks very much for contacting me about your startup. I’d love to work with you!
I love startups so much that I spend most of my time helping entrepreneurs and startup ecosystems around the world FREE.
Unfortunately, I can’t talk to everyone who wants to connect with me. With an active speaking schedule, my 3 books translated into many languages worldwide, social media accounts, and a popular YouTube channel, I get too many requests to do coffee meetings, “pick your brain” phone calls, or casual reviews of investment decks.
Instead, below please find ways that you can work with me personally (paid) or the many FREE services that I and offer to help entrepreneurs like you:
Personalized StRATEGY, Fundraising, & PITCH DECK Consulting
My focus is on helping as many entrepreneurs as possible through group events and publishing worldwide (online and books), not on consulting or advising companies. However, if you'd like personalized advice for your startup, due to popular demand, I do keep part of my schedule open for strategy consulting and Advisory Board positions with high potential ventures and regional ecosystems. These paid services are as follows:
Startup Founder Private Coaching Calls: If you’re looking for a startup strategy expert, innovation community-building consultant, or fundraising advisor, sign up here for a Private Coaching Call with me. For $499 you’ll get one hour of full access to discuss whatever you’d like. I’ll help you as much as I can to help accelerate your fundraising, venture capital and angel investor outreach, business strategy, marketing, product development, US expansion, startup ecosystem community, etc. at
These calls are especially helpful to:
seed stage founders who have not raised venture capital money before,
bootstrapped and Series A ready startups looking to scale by raising outside capital for the first time,
companies that are new to the US financial markets looking for strategy, positioning, or connections, or
local ecosystems seeking expertise to attract more startup investment and economic development.
Note: An initial Private Coaching Call is required to get acquainted before any discussion of Advisory Board roles or investment. This is simply a filtering mechanism to demonstrate that you’re serious. There is no risk and I’m happy to refund your money if I can’t help you.
Pitch Deck Reviews & Consulting: Want an expert review of your pitch deck or business plan? Visit here to learn how you can submit your Investor Pitch Deck for my expert feedback. For just $399 I’ll record a personalized video of my recommendations going page-by-page through your documents. You’ll receive expert suggestions about strategy, content, formatting, business model, financial projections, valuation, deal structure, and more.
As an active angel investor myself I know what investors want to see, so I’ll help you position your company to attract VCs and angel investors:
- These services come with a money-back guarantee and profits are donated to charity. -
If initial Private Coaching Call conversations go well, they often lead to further discussions and requests for continued engagement and public support of the company, programs, or region.
If there is mutual interest, discussion of Advisory Board, Ambassador, or other roles may follow in exchange for consulting fees and equity. This work is usually as an “Advisory Board” member for internal strategic planning, executive or pitch coaching, product development, and/or venture financing strategy. For more public-facing work as a business development, partnership leader, or public evangelist, a role as an “Ambassador” can be discussed. Typical engagements include $3,000-$8,000/month split between cash and equity for on-going emails, strategy coaching calls, and meetings or public appearances.
Also here are the best FREE ways to connect with me:
The Startup Council offers free email newsletters of events, valuable articles, and news. These are especially targeted to early stage tech company founders and growth company investors. Joining the free email lists is the best way to learn more about and keep in touch with the latest Scott Fox and Startup Council investments, activities, and events:
Membership in the Startup Council is FREE and includes our email newsletters.
Participating in events is the #1 way I engage with startup founders. I donate as much of my time as I can to speaking at startup events because I can meet and help more people that way. If we can meet at an event I am attending or speaking, please let me know?
Plus I personally host the events below every month to try to help you. Attending these is the best way to get my attention, and the attention of my investor friends who also often attend. Join the event email lists here to be notified of new events.
I speak worldwide and online to help support local founders and startup ecosystems all the time.
Learn how you can book me as a keynote speaker, a conference panelist, fireside chat guest, event MC, or workshop host.
Raising money for startups, angel investing, and building innovation ecosystem communities are my favorite topics.
I’m especially interested in visiting places I’ve not been before, so contact us if your event could use a friendly startup expert speaker.
Startup Office Hours #Livestream
Don’t miss the free monthly live video program where I directly answer your audience questions about raising money for startups.
Watch Startup Office Hours, plus comment and LIVE CHAT at any of these channels with your fundraising, venture capital, and strategy questions + Investor Pitch Practice:
Submit your question or investor pitch practice request here in advance:
I’lss answer and discuss the best questions with you live during the show!
MasterMinds Startup Accelerator Workshops: I’ve been hosting startup founder group discussion Q&A and networking events monthly since 2017.
Join dozens of fellow founders and investors for these fun, friendly workshops. You’ll find they are lively, interactive, and very educational for early stage venture CEOs and founders. (Use the code WWSFCOMP for a free ticket!)
MasterMinds locations vary. The workshops take place F2F in Orange County, California and also online via Zoom to reach entrepreneurs worldwide, as well as in-person in other cities if I’m there speaking at a conference. (Learn here how to invite me to speak at your conference.)
Southern California F2F Startup Events: If you are in the Orange County, California area you can easily find me at local OC startup events. I organize, host, or judge some every month. I'm always happy to meet and chat F2F at these events - that's why I go!
If that sounds like you, please visit the OC Startup Council, the Orange County startup events calendar, or the MasterMinds Startup Accelerator Workshops pages for more details.
If you’d like me to invest in your company, please visit this page of Investor Recommendations to learn more about some of the investor groups where I am an active investor. You’re welcome to use my name. If you get through their screening processes, I’ll take a look.
Tech Coast Angels - the largest angel group in the US where I am both a Member and a Sponsor.
Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs - the Southern California chapter of the Stanford alumni investors where I am Orange County Chairman.
The LAUNCH Syndicate & Funds - Jason Calacanis’ angel group and funds where I am a long-time syndicate member and fund LP.
TiE Womens Fund - TiE Global’s fund supporting female founders. - Leverage the exclusive new database of early stage investors that my team has built to provide founders with low cost, transparent access to venture funding.
I have written 3 best-selling books about entrepreneurship - all are available worldwide via in multiple formats and many languages (Japanese, Russian, Turkish, Polish, Vietnamese, Audio, etc):
Click Millionaires: Work Less, Live More with an Internet Business You Love
Internet Riches: The Simple Money-making Secrets of Online Millionaires
Profits from these books are donated to help underprivileged youth in inner city Detroit, where I grew up.
[Watch for a NEW BOOK coming in 2024!]
Online: If you'd like to listen to podcasts or watch startup business videos advice from me, I've been sharing my expertise free online for 15+ years to help accelerate the success of early stage entrepreneurs. Please check out:
Podcasts: 100+ podcasts of Scott Fox’s Click Millionaires Success Radio Show - Free
Videos: 150+ videos on the Scott Fox YouTube Channel - Free
So there you go. I'm sorry if this is impersonal. Because of the popularity of my books and my regular attendance at live events, I need ways to filter and organize my schedule at scale. These options are the best solution I’ve found.
Please don’t be put off. I'd be happy to help you and your startup if we see each other at an event or if you can fit into my workflow as outlined above.
Please do NOT message me via LinkedIn. I get too many random messages there to respond. You're welcome to use the Contact Form on this website anytime instead. My preferred and only contact method is via our Contact Form and email.
Best regards,
Scott Fox
p.s. If none of those options work for you, contact my office here.