Startup Funding

Thanks for your interest in working together. Unfortunately because I give away so much of my expertise FREE at the events I attend and organize, I receive too many inquiries to review every venture that contacts me.

I'm happy to help your new venture, too, but to maintain control of my schedule I do not do casual reviews of investment or pitch decks, coffee meetings, or “pick your brain” phone calls. Please come to an event where I am speaking and I’ll be happy to chat.

If you have a unique opportunity and want to work directly with me, visit the Work With Scott page here to learn about Private Coaching Calls, Pitch Deck Video Reviews, and my (limited) advisory work.

Until then - below is a list of startup capital resources that I hope can be helpful to you. This includes the exciting new, as well as several angel groups and venture capital funds where I am involved as an investor, sponsor, and/or officer. All of these specialize in helping early stage venture founders like you.

If none of these options fit your situation, please review this page or you can contact my office here.

Directory of Startup Venture Capital Angel Investors

Get 50% Off with code BRONZEBETA50 !

Startup Investors Directory - NEW!

Looking for investors? is a huge directory of venture capital and angel investors worldwide. My Startup Council built this new low cost resource to make the funding process more transparent for first-time founders and help more entrepreneurs like you find easier access to capital.

Visit to search by industry sector, geography, previous portfolio investments, and growth stage to find angel investors, angel groups, and venture capital firms that fit your startup’s funding needs.

Learn more at



Below are several investment groups where I participate. None of these links are traditional venture capital firms.

Instead, they are investment groups/clubs/syndicates. Most of them offer an online application process you can find on their websites. If your submission meets their criteria, you will be invited to a “pre screening” meeting online to introduce your company. If your presentation is well received you may also then be invited to a “screening” where you present your pitch to a larger membership group or investment committee for further consideration.

Please review the information to see if they look like a fit for your venture? Then contact them as suggested - you can use my name as an introduction.

If your company makes it through the screening presentation and due diligence processes, I’ll be happy to learn more, too.


TCA Venture Group

TCA Venture Group (formerly known as Tech Coast Angels) is the largest angel investor group in the US with 400+ members in 5 chapters who have invested over $250 million in 500+ companies since 1997.

TCAVG provides early stage (pre-seed/seed) funding for startups and also provides business connections, mentoring, and helps founders raise additional venture capital funding through syndication. TCAVG portfolio companies have gone on to attract over $1.6 billion in additional investment capital. (This group has a venture capital investment fund and individual members often also make additional “sidecar” investments.) I have been an active member and sponsor for many years and repeatedly have served as part of the Executive Committee and hosted events for Tech Coast Angels Orange County.

For information about pitching your startup visit:


TiE SoCal Angels

TiE Socal Angels is an angel group where individual members invest directly and it also has its own early stage venture capital investment fund. Part of the global TiE entrepreneurs network, the group was traditionally investors of Indian heritage but today includes executives and expertise from diverse backgrounds and industries and welcomes entrepreneurs of all kinds.

They also have a new TiE Women Founders Fund that exclusively invests in Female Founders. (I am a long time Charter Member of TiE and an LP in that fund.) Learn more at


Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs of SoCaL

Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs of Southern California is a Stanford Alumni Association group that seeks to unify and enrich the startup ecosystem by facilitating investment, education and mentorship opportunities for entrepreneurs and alumni investors.

(I have served as the Chairman for Orange County, as well as on the local Stanford Alumni Association board for many years.)

Their startup pitch events offer great opportunities for startup founders to practice and network with investors affiliated with Stanford University:


Expert Dojo

Based in Santa Monica, California, Expert Dojo is a prolific early stage investor that offers early stage investment and accelerator type services to seed and pre-seed startup companies. They have a global focus and a special emphasis on investing in female and minority founders.

In exchange for small equity ownership, their accelerator funds early stage companies a set amount and also provides educational services, mentoring, and introductions. If your company is early enough in its growth cycle to benefit from such an investment and educational partnership, learn more at



Monday Club: Since 1984, the Monday Club has been helping Southern California companies improve their business plan presentations and meet experts who can help them achieve their objectives. Meeting monthly in 3 Southern California chapters, the 1100 members help start-up companies improve their business plans. They know what it takes to make a good presentation, and they know what investors are looking for. Some, but not all, of the members are investors. Since the pandemic they also welcome virtual presentations by early stage founders from other regions. Learn more about Monday Club here.



Do you have a unique opportunity and want to work directly with me to develop personalized strategies for your startup or ecosystem? Visit the Work With Scott page here to learn about ways to work together 1 on 1, including Private Coaching Calls, Pitch Deck Video Reviews, and my (limited) advisory work:

Want to talk to me personally?

  • Startup Founder Private Coaching Calls: If you’re looking for a mentor/expert who can help your startup’s strategy and fundraising or to accelerate your startup community, book a Private Coaching Call with me here. For $499 you’ll get one hour of full access to discuss whatever you’d like. I’ll help you as much as I can to help accelerate your fundraising, outreach to venture capital and angel investors, business strategy, marketing, product development, US expansion, ecosystem development, etc.

  • Pitch Deck Reviews & Consulting: Want an expert review to improve your pitch deck or business plan? Visit here to learn how you can submit your Investor Pitch Deck for my expert feedback. For $399 I’ll record a 20+ minute personalized video of my recommendations going page-by-page through your documents. I’ll share expert suggestions about strategy, content, formatting, business model, financial projections, valuation, deal structure, and more. As an active angel investor myself I know what investors want to see, so I’ll help you position your company to attract the money:

More details on these services are posted on the Work With Scott page here.

- These services come with a money-back guarantee and profits are donated to charity. -



Want to ask me for advice or feedback on your pitch? Join me live for the free monthly Startup Fundraising Office Hours.

Watch Startup Office Hours, plus comment and LIVE CHAT at any of these channels FREE:

Follow the instructions in the event listings to submit your question or investor pitch practice request in advance.

I answer and discuss the best questions live during the show - and previous episodes are archived free on my YouTube Channel.



New regulations have made it easier than ever for startup companies to raise money. So I would also encourage you to examine the many new crowdfunding options available to early stage companies. Learn more about these top crowdfunding platforms where you can raise money directly from the public. You should get a discount on crowdfunding campaign fees if you use these affiliate links:

There are many other additional resources that can help your startup here.


Thanks for visiting.

Sorry if all this seems rather impersonal!

I am not a consultant. I am an investor and mentor who gives back as much as I can by helping as many entrepreneurs as possible by publishing and speaking at scale worldwide through events, writing books, and building low cost website services to help founders succeed. I donate as much of my time as I can to help startup founders globally. Unfortunately there are only so many hours in each day. As much as I love helping startups, as an entrepreneur myself, I need to guard my time to allow for my own businesses, books, investments, and family, too.

Hopefully some of these resources are helpful to you and your plans to improve the world.

If none of these options fit your situation, please review this page or you can contact my office here.
